Ken Adams is a writer and speaker on contract drafting
As the author of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, he’s the leading authority on the building blocks of contract language. And he has conducted hundreds of Drafting Clearer Contracts training sessions around the world, online and in-person.
“In the world of contract drafting, Ken Adams is the guru.”
– Canadian periodical The Lawyers Weekly
He occupies a unique position in the field of contract drafting, in that he’s the only commentator to focus on the language of contracts—not what you express in a given contract provision, but how to express it in modern and effective contract language.

The foundation of Ken’s expertise is his book A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting. He’s also author of The Structure of M&A Contracts and has written dozens of articles for a broad range of publications.
I feel privileged to be in your Masterclass. It is an epiphany. You inspire me to continue being part of the legal world. Thank you for that and for all your efforts!
I thought the live sessions were great and I enjoyed participating. I really benefitted from going through the exercises together in class, and hearing both your and others people’s opinions. You presented the material in a clear style and I also enjoyed your jokes!
I thought the course was fantastic. I learned a bunch and will highly recommend it to others. The rigor of the course is critical in learning the material, which I enjoyed much more than a typical CLE lecture or presentation.
Latest Blog Post
For the Nth Time, I Do Battle with the Notion of “Tested” Contract Language

“Ken is a man of many parts, most of them in full working order. As a researcher and author, he’s meticulous and magisterial. As a teacher, he’s clear, engaging, and practical. As a blogger he can be … feisty.”
– Mark Anderson

“I fancied myself a pretty good drafter, then I attended one of Ken’s seminars. It changed my professional life forever.”
– René Mario Scherr

“Ken Adams is an excellent baker and pizzaiolo. Also occasionally writes something useful about contracts.”
– Martin Clausen