I left Twitter in 2023. That was an easy decision—it had become a Nazi bar under the auspices of a billionaire man-child.
After a couple of false starts, last month I found an agreeable Twitter alternative—Bluesky. Although Jack Dorsey, then Twitter CEO, was involved in the early days of Bluesky (in 2019), an appealing aspect of Bluesky is that becoming a user doesn’t involve buying into a techbro dystopia. Instead, it all appears civic-minded.
Furthermore, many Twitter people I had followed avidly ended up at Bluesky. I immediately felt at home.
I’ve found myself using Bluesky the way I used to use Twitter—as a filter through which to view current affairs. Generally, I find that a more efficient, informative, and entertaining option, and it’s less stressful.
But if you want to have a voice on social media instead of just lurking, that requires work. It took me ten years on Twitter to get to 4,000+ followers. For the heck of it, I started a pizza-related feed on Bluesky, but I’m new, so it’s read by two and a half people.
It would make sense for me to write about contracts on Bluesky. There’s a place for contracts shitposting and random musings, but that place isn’t my blog. And neither is LinkedIn. But as things stand, contracts posts on Bluesky would find fewer readers than even my pizza stuff! So I invite you, dear reader, to follow me on Bluesky. You can find me here.
I don’t yet know what my contracts-related posts on Bluesky will look like. That’s because the future is uncertain. Most of my work over the past 20 years has involved feeding the beast that is A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, but that’s a finite task, and it’s drawing to a close. Most of my attention is now focused on my automated-templates business, Adams Contracts. That’s a very different kind of activity, and it’s in its early days, so I don’t know what kind of writing it will inspire.
But join me on Bluesky and we’ll find out!