All my blather wouldn’t signify much without people willing to make use of my recommendations. One such person is Kevin Heaney, partner in the Billings, Montana, commercial department of the law firm Crowley Fleck PLLP. That’s him to the right.
Kevin attended one of my “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminars, and he’s made no secret of the fact that he finds my stuff useful. In fact, he says so in this recent article on Montana real estate transactions, published in The Practical Real Estate Lawyer, so I’m happy to use this opportunity to help make it more generally available.
What I recall most about Kevin is his describing how he stealthily used states instead of represents and warrants for a year, to see what would happen. He said that he survived the experience unscathed, and that if anything the refreshing lack of legalistic BS made things go more smoothly.
Now for some fine print: Kevin’s article is reprinted from the November 2018 issue of ALI CLE’s The Practical Real Estate Lawyer, courtesy of American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education. The link to the American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education publications page is: