In a spirit of adventure, I published on Thomson Reuters’ Legal Solutions Blog my article Litigating the Meaning of Contract Language? Consider Retaining an Expert. It’s not a long article, but they did it in two parts. Go here for part I; go here for part II.
My thanks to Pam Chestek for bringing to my attention the case I discuss in the article and bringing to bear her semantic acuity. And thanks to A. Wright Burke for being my corner man, applying writing-style smelling salts.
By the way, why do I call this an article and not a blog post? Anything I publish on my blog is a blog post; anything I publish elsewhere will be more buttoned-down, with an eye to posterity. As a gesture toward distinguishing the two, I use “articles” to refer to the latter group.
Ken – the links to Parts I and II are broken. When I searched the Thomson Reuters blog, no results were found (including a search for your name).