I’m delighted that on 5 November 2018 I’ll be doing another “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar in London for UCL Faculty of Laws. For more information, go here.
I seem to be making inroads in the UK market. For example, go here for my Practical Law Company video with Daphne Perry; go here for a recording of the 7 November 2017 panel discussion I organized with UCL Faculty of Laws; go here for the Law Gazette’s article about the 2016 panel discussion; go here for my post dissecting a bit of Magic Circle drafting; go here for my 2015 Law Gazette conversation with Mark Anderson; go here for Charles Drayson’s review of the fourth edition of MSCD; and go here for Mark Anderson’s review of the third edition.
What makes my English activities particularly interesting to me is that English courts are prone to fits of semantic cluelessness. I feel compelled to push back. For an example of that, see my 11 October 2017 article in The Lawyer, here. (Free registration required.)
(Reminder: on 1–2 November 2018 I’ll be speaking at “The Legal English Event” in London. See this blog post.)