I’m delighted that on 6 November 2017 I’ll be doing another “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar in London with UCL Faculty of Laws. Go here for more information. Note the significant student discount!
And go here for feedback from participants at one of my previous seminars for UCL Faculty of Laws.
I think it’s safe to say that among commentators on English contract drafting, mine is a distinctive voice. To get a sense of that, check out this 2016 item in The Lawyer (here). Also relevant is my article in Solicitors Journal on endeavours provisions under English law (here) and my article on represents and warrants under US and English law (here).
I hope to see some of you there!
And following up on last year’s panel discussion, I’m organizing another panel discussion on London to be held on 7 November 2017, also under the auspices of UCL Faculty of Laws. The focus will be on how to achieve modern contract language and an effective contract process, and the panel will be shamelessly packed with my buddies. The fourth edition of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting will feature in what I hope is an enticing way. More on that soon. Save the date!