Here’s an email I received from a reader:
I was interviewing for a new job 6 months ago and mentioned I am a big MSCD fan. The GC said “That is the most impressive thing you could have said.” Needless to say, I got the job. THANK YOU!
I take two things from that. First, that MSCD is an established resource. (That’s just as well, seeing as it has sold tens of thousands of copies.) And second, that some people recognize that using MSCD allows you to express more clearly, concisely, and effectively whatever you want to say in a contract.
If you’re interviewing for a job that involves slinging contract language around and you’re an MSCD person, I would certainly mention that.
In a similar vein, I have a student that bought a copy of MSCD on my clinic’s recommendation. He was carrying it with him when he went to an internship interview. In the interview, they asked if he knew of MSCD, at which point he pulled it out of his bag. They were impressed and he got the internship. My student credits MSCD.
That’s a great story!
Here’s more encouragement for you. I also had a student who received favorable comments as a result of using MSCD. The student was doing an internship with the legal department of a Fortune 500 company, and her supervisor was impressed she used MSCD.