MSCD3 Is at the Printer (And Here’s What the Cover Looks Like)

Finally, the third edition of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting is at the printer.

It took long enough: Four years of preparing blog posts that were first-draft versions of much that’s new in the book. Two months solid of writing and collating. Three months of tweaking the manuscript and addressing an array of all sorts of comments from a couple of dozen volunteers. One month of going over the galleys.

In any event, we’re on target for publication in February.

The third edition is about one-third longer than the second edition. To be able to use Wire-O binding, we had to limit the increase in the page count by shifting to a larger format.

While we were at it, we redesigned the cover. Here it is:




About the author

Ken Adams is the leading authority on how to say clearly whatever you want to say in a contract. He’s author of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, and he offers online and in-person training around the world. He’s also chief content officer of LegalSifter, Inc., a company that combines artificial intelligence and expertise to assist with review of contracts.

10 thoughts on “MSCD3 Is at the Printer (And Here’s What the Cover Looks Like)”

  1. Hey Ken. I hadn’t thought about this until I saw the cover in print, but isn’t the title of your book itself an example of superfluous language? Wouldn’t a more economical title be: A Style Manual for Contract Drafting? Or, better yet, A Contract Drafting Style Manual?

    Just a thought. :) Congratulations on the release!

    • When I chose the title way back when (2004), I wanted to invoke The Chicago Manual of Style. Leaving that aside, as well as any “Adams” alternatives, I’m OK with the title. For one thing, your second alternative should really have a hyphen between “Contract” and “Drafting.”

      I hope that this is the biggest issue people have with the third edition!

    • My only holiday will be a busman’s holiday–giving seminars in Asia and Australia! (Is the phrase “busman’s holiday” still used, and understood, in England?)

      • Heard occasionally. I am still trying to find a sponsor for a trip to Australia. Perhaps if I changed the name of my blog to IP Fosters…? IP Qantas? IP Vegemite? Not that I’m desperate, you understand.

  2. I’m going to judge the book by its cover, and assume that it will be every bit as stylish as it looks! And “busman’s holiday” is very much alive and well as a concept in the UK and Ireland. Congratulations.


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