You’ve seen—I hope!—part 1 (with Nada Alnajafi) and part 2 (with Alex Hamilton). Now, LegalSifter unleashes on an unsuspecting world part 3 of my video series on the Salesforce master subscription agreement. (I’m LegalSifter’s chief content officer.)
This time, my co-presenter is Gabe Meister, a lawyer in private practice who has lots of experience with this kind of contract. Gabe and I discuss deal issues and drafting issues that anyone who is contemplating signing, or has signed, the current version of the Salesforce master subscription agreement might want to think about. My thanks to Gabe for joining me. (He’s on Twitter at @gabemeisterlaw.)
The basis for our conversation is the annotated version of the Salesforce MSA that I prepared with input from Gabe. I can’t think of a more useful analysis I’ve done. And it’s purty; the image above is from a screenshot. It contains way more than Gabe and I had time to discuss. You can access a copy if you go to the video and click on the box to the left.
Without further ado, part 3 is here.