Last week I had the pleasure of finally meeting in person Brian Rogers, also known as “The Contracts Guy.” (His Twitter username is @theContractsGuy.) I’ve engaged with Brian for years, by telephone, webcam, and email and with comments on our respective blogs, but never in person, until last week.
The occasion was my visit to St. Louis to do a public “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar. Though Brian is no stranger to my stuff, he elected to attend. If I had been in his place, I would have sat at the back, heckling, blowing raspberries, and spoiling my punchlines, but Brian is too polite for that sort of thing :-)
Brian did this post about my seminar. I’m glad he was able to say nice things.
In terms of his online presence, the past year has been a quiet one for Brian: his law practice, Blue Maven Law, has been keeping him busy. (Brian focuses on small-business M&A.) If you nag him enough, perhaps he’ll return to the fray.