I spent the summer poring over the manuscript of the third edition of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting. Then I read through it again. Then a few friends of the blog read through some or all of it and caught a bunch of glitches: extra words, words that should be in italics but weren’t, incorrect cross-references, and so on. Then the copyeditor read through it and found some more.
Thanks to all that attention, the manuscript is in tremendous shape. But I know that a few more glitches are still lurking within.
I’ve shipped the manuscript back to the publisher, and I’ll see it next in page-proof form, when I’ll have a chance to make further tweaks. That gives me time to root out remaining glitches.
But I’m too familiar with the manuscript to be able to do that effectively myself. That’s why I’m looking for volunteers. If you’d like to contribute to the cause by reading closely, and marking up as necessary, a 15-pages-or-so PDF extract of the 350-page manuscript, click here to send me an email. I’ll need your comments by October 31.
Just saw this today… Would willingly help out if the document is still available for review. Email me at r_beal@jurists.co.jp if you still need help with the 15-page PDF of the manuscript.