As I noted in this 2008 post on AdamsDrafting, everything I do, I do first in Canada.
That pattern continues to hold, in that on October 4 I’ll be giving in Toronto, for my longtime partners Osgoode Professional Development, my first public seminar on the structure of M&A contracts. And it’s called … “The Structure of M&A Contracts.” It’s keyed to my book of the same name. (Go here for more information about the book.)
What makes this workshop particularly exciting for me is that I’ll have my first co-presenter, Shevaun McGrath of Goodmans LLP. She’ll be on hand to reassure all concerned that although (1) I don’t do deals anymore and (2) I’m not a Canadian lawyer, I won’t be going off the deep end. But more generally, it will be great to bat around with her some of the subtle ideas that will be aired in this workshop.
For more information about the M&A workshop, go here. And for information about the “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar the day before, go here. (Make it a two-day Draftapalooza!)