Last week I started the final Drafting Clearer Contracts: Masterclass series of 2022, but I haven’t yet announced any series for 2023. That’s because I want participants in the next series to have a copy of the fifth edition of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, and I don’t yet know when MSCD5 will be available. I expect to know before the end of November. As soon as I do, I’ll announce new series of Masterclass.
If you’d like me to email you details of 2023 series of Masterclass, go to the course home page (link above) and join the mailing list.
Meanwhile, to whet your appetite, here’s what participant Pankaj Raval said about Masterclass a few days ago in this LinkedIn comment:
I’ll jump on the “life-changing” bandwagon :) Honestly, one of the best investments I’ve made as a transactional attorney. Did I feel in over my head at times? Yes. Was it challenging? Definitely. But, would I recommend it to anyone serious about their contract drafting and analysis skills? 💯 I found it so valuable I paid for my associate to take it. And I plan on paying for new attorneys who join the firm to take it. It is THAT important!