Yesterday I gave in New Jersey, before a good crowd, my last “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar for West LegalEdcenter for the first half of the year. I have a couple of other seminars coming up, notably one for a state government agency early next week, but things are winding down for the summer.
As far as seminars go, it’s been quite a 2013 so far—I’ve been on the road far and wide, with new destinations and bigger crowds. And people seem to feel that it’s worthwhile attending. For example, the director of professional development at one law firm told me of the “WONDERFUL feedback” she received after I did an in-house seminar at her firm recently.
And the following is from an email message I received today from a law-firm associate:
I attended the Drafting Clearer Contracts seminar that you held on May 9, 2013 in Chicago at The Standard Club. I enjoyed your seminar very much and I keep your Manual of Style on my office desk so that I can reference it throughout the work day. I plan to attend your Chicago seminar again next year as a refresher course. Thank you very much for taking the time to put this seminar together; my drafting began to show signs of improvement almost immediately after the seminar and it continues to improve as I work my way through the manual while drafting.
Such feedback is very gratifying.
Although the idea of attending one of my “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminars twice might seem excessive, two people from one company who attended yesterday’s seminar told me that it was their second time. They looked none the worse for it!