What's With Indonesia and Contract Drafting?

I use one of my TweetDeck columns to search Twitter for references to “contract drafting.” Out of the flotsam that’s pulled in, I’ve found one category that’s particularly intriguing.

It consists of Twitter updates in Indonesian. I have no idea what’s being discussed, as just about the only words in English are “contract drafting.”

Here’s one example, sent by @apriliansyah:

Buka” KUHPer yg akhirnya ketemu, ternyata di dalamnya masih banyak fotocopy-an perkecil contract drafting hahahahaha.

Google Translate wasn’t much help:

Open “KUHPer who finally met, it turns out in it are still a lot of zooming out a copy ofcontract drafting hahahahaha.

Although these tweets remain inscrutable, I can’t help but note the enthusiasm. And apart from U.S. Twitter users, no other nationality seems to engage in this sort of Twitter traffic on the subject of contract drafting.

I’ve previously been asked whether I’d like to do seminars in Jakarta, but I haven’t followed up. Maybe I should look into that more closely.

So all I can say is, Indonesia, have your people call my people!

About the author

Ken Adams is the leading authority on how to say clearly whatever you want to say in a contract. He’s author of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, and he offers online and in-person training around the world. He’s also chief content officer of LegalSifter, Inc., a company that combines artificial intelligence and expertise to assist with review of contracts.

2 thoughts on “What's With Indonesia and Contract Drafting?”

  1. A reasonable translation pieced together by my Indonesian colleagues:

    “When I looked at the Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata), which I finally found, it actually contains a lot of sample contract drafting material appearing in the form of reduced-size photocopies hahahahaha”

    Unfortunately, the humor underlying this discovery was less susceptible of translation.

    Merely as a point of historical curiosity the Indonesian Civil Code finds its origins in the body of Dutch Law named Burgerlijk Wetboek.


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