I’ll be in Philadelphia on March 10, 2011, giving the first “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar of 2011. (Go here for more information.) I’m looking forward to getting back on the road.
I have a revised set of materials, with a nifty Koncision theme rather than the old AdamsDrafting theme. And I plan on including a Koncision demo. But to forestall any complaints about shameless self-promotion, I expect I’ll offer the demo after the seminar, for those who are interested in sticking around a few more minutes.
I hope to see some of you on my travels. Don’t forget to give me the secret blog handshake …
Any chance you will be coming to Canada? Calgary or Vancouver?
S: I’ll be in Toronto on May 11 and Ottawa on June 3, with a Calgary or Vancouver date later in the year. For more information on my Canada dates, go here: http://www.osgoodepd.ca/cle/2010-2011%20Fiscal/2011_contract_drafting/index.html. For information about my speaking gigs generally, check the “Seminars” page (under “Resources”) and the sidebar on all “Resources” pages. Ken