On Wednesday, July 14, the Law Department Management Committee of the Association of Corporate Counsel will be holding their monthly teleconference, and the featured speaker for the half-hour “Legal Quick Hit” portion is yours truly. It will be in the form of a Q&A with the esteemed David Munn, general counsel and director of customer operations at Pramata Corporation. But it’s open only to committee members.
That call will act as a teaser for my participation in a panel discussion at this year’s ACC annual meeting, which is being held in San Antonio, Texas, on October 24–27. (Go here for more information on the annual meeting.) The session is entitled “Contract Drafting to Avoid Disputes and Inefficiency,” and it will be held on Tuesday, October 26, at 2:30 p.m. On the panel with me will be—
Shawn Cheadle
General Counsel, Surveillance & Navigation Systems
Lockheed Martin Space SystemsChristopher Koa
Dell Inc.Florence Pinigis
Senior Attorney
Southern California Edison Co.
I’m expecting an action-packed meeting. I hope to see some of you there!