If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that for more than two years I’ve been an advisor to LegalSifter, the artificial-intelligence company that helps you review draft contracts. It’s been a rewarding experience, working to infuse the product with expertise. And it has allowed me to explore contract language in ever greater detail. Furthermore, working with a team has been … fun? Whodathunkit!
That’s a preamble to my telling you that on Thursday, 25 June, at noon Eastern time, I’ll be doing a free online presentation with Kevin Miller, LegalSifter’s CEO. I’ve appreciated Kevin’s leadership, so I was happy to join him for this event, entitled AI + x: The equation for greater control over your contracts. Go here for the flyer; it has an RSVP link.
I hope to see some of you there. Well, I won’t see you, but you know what I mean.