Today sees the launch of webcast 5 in my series Drafting Clearer Contracts, which is being offered by West LegalEdcenter and is sponsored by Business Integrity. Webcast 5 will run as a “live” webcast starting at 1:00 p.m. EDT, meaning that I’ll be on hand to respond in writing to any questions submitted. Starting a day or two later, it will be available on demand.
Webcast 5 is the final webcast devoted to topics explored in MSCD. In the second half I consider how I’d redraft some contract extracts to reflect the MSCD approach to contract language. Webcasts 6 and 7 are devoted to policy issues, and I’ll be joined by others.
These webcasts have been unlike any other form of speaking I’ve been involved in. For one thing, for the first five I’ve been on my lonesome, speaking for an hour without interruption. That’s very different from seminars before a live audience, or panel discussions.
And because the audience is remote, with interaction being limited to questions submitted during any “live” webcast, it’s hard to get a sense of how useful people have found them, even though West considers them a great success. So far the only comment left by a participant is “Adams is a terrific speaker.” That’s gratifying, given how tough I found the process, but I’d be interested to hear more.
So if you’ve participated in any of my webcasts, I’d be please to receive your thoughts.