Years ago a wrote briefly about contract-lifecycle-management (CLM) software, which is software that allows an organization to keep track of its contracts and key contract information, such as deadlines. See for example this 2007 post. Apttus and Emptoris are just two examples of CLM software.
But I’ve never had any direct experience with CLM software, and I’ve had only brief conversations with companies about how they use CLM software. I’d be interested to hear from people at companies who use or have used CLM software, successfully or unsuccessfully. In particular, I’d like to hear from people who have used it not only to track contracts but also to create contracts.
You’re welcome to post a comment or contact me.
My real estate clients have systems to help them manage their leases. Yardi seems to be popular in the commercial real estate management field.
Thanks. I’ve made this inquiry in different forums, always to the sound of crickets chirping. I can only assume that this technology isn’t sweeping the commercial sector.
Have you tried asking the membership at IACCM? They also have a LinkedIn group.
Yes, I posted an inquiry there too!
Hi Ken. If you find any more information about this, please let us know. I am looking into management software for our company and am finding the options overwhelming.