The publishing people at the American Bar Association are particularly happy with A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting. Usually sales of a book drop off with each new edition. With MSCD, each edition has sold more than the previous one.
With that in mind, I noticed that according to Google Analytics, yesterday there were 3,405 visits to this site. That’s the biggest one-day total ever, but it’s no spike. It’s only a few more than the previous record, 3,386, set a few weeks ago, and is only a little more than the 3,285 visits the day before yesterday.
And more generally, in August 2014 I got 45,406 visits, whereas last month I got 71,331 visits, with gentle ups (and the occasional gentle down) in between.
That’s essentially the way it has been since I started blogging in 2006: additional readers slowly clambering on board. I take that as a sign that I’m correct in thinking that I’ve never lacked for interesting stuff to write about. And I’m at no risk of bottoming out anytime soon.
Of course, I have no illusions regarding the absolute number of readers, and no interest either. I write what I need to write, what I want to write, and how many or how few come along for the ride is neither here nor there. Instead, it’s the trend that I pay attention to.
Keep up the SUPERB work Ken! After having worked in the legal departments of several international investment banks, there is significant need for a rigorous approach to creating and revising contracts of all types. Too often it is the “drafting style” of the relevant managing attorney or the go-to BigLaw counsel of choice that dominates the drafting, and that drafting is often plagued by one or more of the defects covered in MSCD3rd. Now if only you and another of the contracts/legal writing crackerjacks could team up…now THAT would create even more momentum for the principles of MSCD. [end]
You know what? I created Adams Contracts Consulting with that possibility in mind. Your moniker suggests that you’re not being entirely abstract about this. Have your people call my people!