I haven’t been a fan of LinkedIn groups; see for example this 2013 blog post. So I was taken aback when one of my LinkedIn connections, Marty Carrara, suggested that I start my own LinkedIn group. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a sensible idea. I then did this LinkedIn post about it, and it garnered more attention than anything I’ve put on LinkedIn, so that settled it.
The result is that I’ve created the group called “A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting“. Here’s part of what the “Welcome” post says:
LinkedIn already has groups focused on contract drafting—why add another? One reason is that by having MSCD as a shared body of knowledge, we can avoid the cacophony the afflicts LinkedIn groups generally.
Another reason for creating this group is to provide a forum for those who value MSCD. Recently a reader asked me, “Where is the cohort, however small, where an ambitious reader can find the comfort and support of hanging out with ‘people like me’?” I hope this group can serve that function.
If you think the group might be a good thing, I hope you’ll consider joining.