Ah, the glamorous life of the contract nerd! Vancouver one week! Oman and Bahrain the next! Philadelphia in between!
But more mundane work goes on: I spent my first day in Oman in my hotel room, working on the manuscript for MSCD2. Thanks to the valiant efforts of the all-volunteer AdamsDrafting proofreading irregulars, it’s in great shape. They spotted perhaps sixty glitches (missing words, surplus words, misspellings, surplus periods, and so on) and made countless stylistic suggestions, many of which I took. And they spotted a couple of errors that, had they made it to the published version, would have had me gnashing my teeth, pulling out my hair, and hopping up and down in rage.
Thank you to all who pitched in. I’ve contacted some of you; the rest will hear from me when I return home from Bahrain.