I’m pleased to announce that between November 20 and December 4, 2006, I’ll be holding in Geneva, Switzerland, a series of seminars on contract drafting. I’m fortunate to have as my sponsors ACC Europe (the European chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel) and Hogan & Hartson.
On November 20, 22, 24, 27 and 29 and December 1, 2006, I’ll be presenting Drafting Contracts in English, an all-day seminar on principles of clear and efficient contract drafting. This seminar is intended for both native English speakers and those who have learned English as a foreign language. It would be suitable for both junior and more senior lawyers. Each seminar will be limited to no more than 12 participants.
On December 4, 2006, I’ll be presenting The Structure of U.S.-Style M&A Contracts, a half-day seminar (including lunch and a panel discussion) on the building blocks of a U.S.-style mergers-and-acquisitions contract, how those building blocks work together, and the negotiation issues that arise in structuring them. My co-presenter will be Yves Quintin, a partner at Duane Morris LLP, a major U.S. law firm. Like me, he’s a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. More to the point, he’s the author of the leading French-language analysis of U.S. M&A.
To find out more about these seminars, see the brochure. If you wish, you can register online. (ACC Europe members are entitled to a discount.) If you have any questions, please contact me. If you know of anyone in Switzerland or neighboring parts who might be interested, I hope you’ll send them a link.
By the way, why Geneva, as opposed to holding public seminars in the U.S.? I’ve explained elsewhere why I think my approach to drafting is particularly relevant to lawyers outside the U.S., and I expect to be spending a good deal of time abroad. On the other hand, my giving seminars outside the U.S. doesn’t preclude my giving public seminars in the U.S. It’s something that’s long overdue; I’m working on it.
And why Geneva as opposed to, say, Paris? One obvious answer is that Geneva has a significant multinational presence, is a center for banking and international organizations, and is conveniently located in the heart of Europe. But personal considerations came into play too—my wife and I lived in Geneva for three years in the 1990s, and our daughter was born there. If found it a very agreeable and civilized city, and I’ve been looking for an excuse to get back there. Once I decided to take my act on the road outside the U.S., it was the obvious first destination.