Today reader Ken Obel sent me an email asking if I could help get the word out that he’s looking to hire a junior-ish lawyer to help with transactional work. Because Ken sees the value of clear contract language and uses A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, I said I’d be happy to post his message on this blog. So here it is:
goodcounsel is searching for a mid/junior-level lawyer – somebody perhaps 1 to 5 years into a career at a traditional law firm, who for whatever reason is disenchanted with that kind of practice (or lifestyle) and would be open to considering a role at a firm that is more innovative, more flexible, more friendly, and more fun. I know you’re not a recruiter, but I imagine that you encounter a wide variety of lawyers through your educational and professional activities, so if you happen to come across anybody who fits this description, I would be glad for introductions. Since goodcounsel subscribes to the Ken Adams philosophy of simplicity and clarity in legal drafting (MSCD is our manual), I figure that many of those who seek you out would be in tune with our firm’s approach as well.
As you may recall, goodcounsel focuses on “outside general counsel” work (e.g., contract negotiation and drafting and company counseling of across a broad array of subject matter) and early-stage financing rounds (seed, Series A, etc.) – almost, though not entirely, for early-stage companies. goodcounsel is based in Chicago (we were named the “best law firm for startups” in Chicago by Above the Law), which is the preferred locale, but remote work is a possibility – we already have one lawyer in NY and other legal staff out west.
Our website is a good place to learn more about our organization. Anyone who is interested can simply drop us an email.
Thank you!
– Ken O.
More generally, if like Ken you see the value of clear contract language and you’re looking to hire someone who is familiar with A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting and you’d like to reach my 70,000 visitors a month, I’d be happy to post your job opening. I’ve created the category “Jobs,” with this post as the first in that category.