In partnership with West LegalEdcenter, I do an all-day version of my “Drafting Clearer Contracts” seminar in cities throughout the U.S. Click here for the 2010 schedule. (I do seminars in Canada with a different partner, Osgoode Professional Development.) The roster of U.S. cities changes from year to year, with a city or two being added or dropped. We’re currently working on the 2011 schedule, and already on the list are Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., New York, and San Francisco. We have a couple of slots to fill. If you have a hankering to see me in a given city, or if you think I’d find a receptive market in a given city, I invite you to vote in the following poll. You can even add other cities to the poll—but let’s not go too crazy!
Of course, these days you have to continually assess the merits of doing live CLE sessions. But I think that the seminars offer something that you can’t get from the webcast version.
As for the series of webcasts, they offer convenience and a level of detail that goes beyond what I do in the live version. It all depends on what you’re looking for.