Unsurprisingly, most of Koncision’s confidentiality-agreement template relates to, well, confidentiality. But as with any contract, there’s a fair amount of boilerplate.
That makes our template a unique source for state-of-the-art boilerplate: notices provisions, governing-law provisions, forum provisions, arbitration provisions, and so on.
So if you subscribe using our upgrade-your-template option (go here [link no longer available] for more on our subscription options), you could complete the questionnaire (paying attention only to the boilerplate), generate the output document, then copy-and-paste the boilerplate provisions into any templates you’re looking to upgrade, regardless of the kind of contract involved.
Think your boilerplate is as clear and effective as Koncision’s? That’s very unlikely. Think that upgrading your templates isn’t worth $500? Well, compare that $500 to what you pay in legal fees, to the time your personnel and lawyers waste slogging through suboptimal boilerplate, to the cost of any dispute relating to boilerplate, and to the value of the transactions you enter into using your templates.
If you’re uncertain about subscribing to upgrade your templates without having tested the confidentiality-agreement template, we suggest that first you subscribe using our single-transaction subscription option. If in the 30 days after your single-transaction subscription lapses you decide that you want to subscribe to upgrade your templates, email us to tell us so and we’ll credit you the cost of your single-transaction subscription.
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